Microneedling with Exosomes

SkinPen® is a medical grade, state-of-the-art microneedling device that stimulates skin repair through your body’s natural remodeling process. Microneedling with SkinPen® allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self- repair process by creating precise, micro-injuries in the skin that automatically trigger new collagen and elastin synthesis without causing scar tissue formation. SkinPen® can be used on all types of skin and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improve the look of acne scars.

Exosome treatments by Benev, in many ways, represent the future of skin rejuvenation. We are happy to bring these cutting-edge stem cell based solutions to our patients. Exosome Regenerative treatments deliver billions of exosomes, which are derived from stem cells to promote the natural skin repair and regeneration process.

The cells in our body continuously release nano sized vesicles called exosomes. The exosomes, which are the building blocks of stem cells, are responsible for facilitating RNA exchange, cellular communication, and delivery of essential proteins between cells, such as immune cells, keranocytes, and fibroblasts. In addition, exosomes transfer robust cytokines, growth factors, and genetic materials that are known to support cellular regeneration and tissue repair.


Microneedling – $800

Microneedling with Exosomes – $1,000

Neck – $500

Face – $850

Neck – $650

Face – $2,200

Face + Neck – $3,700


With just one session, your results will last for a few weeks.

No. You will leave the office glowing, contoured and lifted instantly.

There is zero pain associated with this treatment.

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